Home Destacado An Interview with Bruce Leroys

An Interview with Bruce Leroys


Brazilian house DJ and producer Bruce Leroys talks to us about his new release on his own Aureum label, Maravilha Marginal, with vocalist Leticia Fialho.

Hi Bruce! A pleasure to have you on CLG. Well, first of all and to situate the reader, where are you from and when did you start in the world of production?

Hi friends!  Very nice to be with you here. we are from Brazil and we are making music for 28 years. This year its the 10th anniversary of the Bruce Leroys project.

How has this 2023 been for you?

Very good! Many new things happening. We started our label Aureum and now we can release anything we want any time we want. It been a pleasure to work on this new project

What is the set up and configuration of your studio?

A Prism Titan interface, Tanzbar drum machine, mopho and moog slim phatty synths, Toraiz SP16 sampler, Squid Sequencer, DX7 and a pair of Dynaudio bm6A. For additional reference we use AKG K812 and beyerdynamic. Our mic is a Telefunken CU29

Aureum is your record label, what are the editorial lines you follow in your publications? How can an artist send you his work?

we are looking for artists that don’t follow trends or make formulated stuff. We always look for innovative dance music. Send demos to info@bruceleroys.com

When we see in some of your publications Aureum Remix, who is the one behind this work?

Bruce Leroys ourselves, this serves as our signature for exclusive remix work on the record label. Collaborating with the original creators, we credit Bruce Leroys as co-authors, distinctly marking Aureum as our exclusive remix.

And what news can you anticipate for 2024?

Our focus in 2023 was on releasing our own content. Moving into 2024, our aim is to expand our reach, collaborating with other labels (soon we will release on Razor n Tape, for exemple). Additionally, we’re keen on exploring talents globally, not limiting ourselves to just Brazilian artists.


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