Home Interview Laesh: “I really love what i do, and i’m feeling good...

Laesh: “I really love what i do, and i’m feeling good when i make it”


Laesh hails from north Italy near Venice, where he is currently living. His passion has always been house music, with a love for the deep oldschool sound. He started his career 10 years ago when he bought his first two turntables and since then is playing in venues around Europe. Laesh has been producing music since 2010 and has appeared on notable labels such as Robsoul, Roots for bloom, Release sustain and My Vision Records.

When and how did you get your interest in electronic music?

Since I was a child I have always been interested in electronic music. I always wondered how artists made certain sounds, then I discovered synthetizers. After that I started to study them and the elettronic music.

How did you decide to dedicate into production?

When I bought my first PC the first thing I did was install DAW and start to explore the World of music production. After that I bought my first set of turntables.

What is your criterion when you are producing? What inspire you?

I’m inspired, for most part, from what i listen in that moment, for example, if in a party i listen a track that hit me, i will be inspired to create that sensations in me, with in a my personal taste and imprint. Another thing that inspire me, is the inusual sounds, and the inusual structure in a track.if the track is weird and particular in the sounds, or in the structure, it will hit me, and it will inspire me.

How do you assess the trajectory you have had and what were the reasons that led you to start it?

I think just because i really love what i do, and i’m feeling good when i make it.

What was your criterion when producing your last EP?

I have tried to mix two things that i really love: sampling, and doing the acid. I tried to make a mix of this two arts, and i tried to give a sort of unicity to this track, making always variations in the sounds. All the sounds have some Little differences during all the track. And all this is accompanied from a raw dirty imprint.

Could you recommend a set that you are especially proud of it, and that we can see on your Soundcloud or on YouTube?

This is a my set @tag club – Mestre (Italy) –

And here there is a studio set in the @soundlab in Vicenza (Italy)

then here i have just make my February selection on my mixcloud

What can you tell us about the scene of your city? What would you improve?

The scene in my city is quite poor unfortunatly.There are some clubs and we make some parties, but in general is quite poor.

Finally, what can you tell us about your present and future projects?

I have a a good number of house releases ready. The next will be in my vision records with the remix of Kevin over (mobilee/madhouse) and Timmy P (local talk/madhouse).in future i want focus on produce tracks with more acid techno mood that can fit well in a live set. Because i’m studyng a live set too, made with synths, drum machine and sampler.

Thank you for your interest in my life and Projects.


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